Causes of low back pain
?Nonspecific mechanical spinal disorders - muscle strain, ligament sprain
?Disc herniation
?Compression fracture
?Lumbar spinal stenosis
When to consult a doctor
What the doctor may do
Conservative management
Surgical intervention
Low back pain is very common. It is often multifactorial, making diagnosis difficult. Commonly it is caused by mechanical spinal disorders, which usually not serious, plus other factors such as fatigue, obesity or lack of exercise. Serious spinal or extraspinal disorder are unusual causes. Warning signs often indicate a serious disorder and need for further investigations.
1.Non specific mechanical back pain
This is the most common cause of back pain. Mechanical back pain means that the pain is caused by placing repetitive and/or abnormal stress and strain on the structure of spine. Nonspecific mechanical spinal disorders are includes muscle strains and ligament sprains. Compare to nonspecific mechanical spinal disorders, in specific structural lesions, we are able to see the specific findings through imaging such as disc bulging/degenerate, osteophytes growth, spondylolisthesis, etc. These disorders includes disc herniation, compression fracture, osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, which are further discussed below.There is no specific treatment for nonspecific mechanical spinal disorders. General measures are usually adequate to relieve the symptoms and the symptoms usually are self-limiting.
2.Disc herniation/ prolapse
Our intervertebral disc, which located between 2 vertebrae, is a structure that consist of 2 components, a tough covering of the outer layer (annulus fibrosus), and a soft, jelly-like interior (nucleus pulposus). If a disc is suddenly squeezed by the vertebrae above and below it, for example when lifting a heavy object, the outer covering may tear/rupture, causing pain. The interior of the disc can squeeze through the tear in the covering, so that part of the interior bulges out (herniates). This bulge can compress, irritate, and even damage the spinal root next to it, causing more pain. Sometimes the soft, jelly-like material of the interior part of the disc may prolapse out from the covering through the tear, causing disc prolapse, lead to more irritation/ damage to the spinal roots, and causing more pain. Diagnosis is confirm by MRI or CT myelography. Treatment is usually conservative with analgesics, activity modification, and exercise. Surgery is indicated in some cases includes patients with progressive or severe neurological deficits includes numbness/weakness of one/both legs, intractable pain, or signs of spinal cord compression such as loss of bowel/bladder control.
3.Vertebral compression fracture
It is common in elderly due to osteoporosis. It is usually predisposed by trivial injury. Patients usually did not seek treatment initially because of the mild pain. However, later it may cause chronic back pain and disability. Diagnosis is by x-ray. Treatment is usually conservative unless there is spinal instability or spinal cord compression in which surgery is indicated
4.Lumbar spinal stenosis
Lumbar spinal stenosis is narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal. It is commonly due to degenerative disc disease. With normal ageing the disc gradually dries out and becomes flatten. This lead to collapse of disc space, which is the space between the vertebrae. This puts pressure on the facet joints of adjascent vertebrae lead to osteoarthritis. If this is severe, osteophytes growth may narrow the spinal canal and the intervertebral foramina, and as damage to the facet joint becomes more severe the vertebra may slip causing spondylolisthesis, which worsen the spinal stenosis. Encroachment on the spinal canal is called spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis may cause spinal root or spinal cord compression. Other causes of spinal stenosis besides degenerative disc disease are includes congenital vertebral dysplasia, Paget's disease and trauma. X-rays may show narrowed disc space, .spondylolisthesis and osteoarthritis. Measurement of the spinal canal can be carried out by x-rays but more reliable information is obtained from CT and MRI. Treatment is usually conservative unless surgery is indicated such as severe pain or disability, spinal cord compression or spinal instability.
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Degeneration of the disc lead to disc space collapse, which, in turn puts pressure on the facet joints |
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Osteoarthritis lead to enlarged facet joint, plus enlarged ligament, lead to stenosis and compression of the spinal root/cord |
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As the facet joints become arthritic, the vertebrae may slides forward causing spondylolisthesis, which worsen the stenosis and compression of nerve structure |
It is degenerative disease of the joint and can occur in other joints as well such as knee, hip and others. The osteoarthritic changes that may occur in the affected joint includes. Diagnosis is by x-rays. Treatment is usually conservative unless complicated with spinal cord compression, severe pain or disability, or spinal instability, in which surgery may be indicated.
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Osteoarthritic changes - osteophyte/bone spur formation, facet joint hypertrophy/enlarge |
Spondylolisthesis is forward displacement of a vertebrae on other vertebrae below it. It can be due to degenerative changes or due to trauma. Spondylolisthesis can lead to spinal stenosis, spinal cord compression, or spinal instability. Diagnosis is by x-rays. Treatment is usually conservative unless surgery is indicated.
Infection involving the spine may cause back pain. These infections can be spine tuberculosis, osteomyelitis or discitis. Besides back pain, patients may also complain of associated symptoms such as fever, night sweat, loss of appetite. Raised in white cell count, ESR, or CRP, may further make the diagnosis of infection more likely. Further work up need to be done including x-rays and MRI to look for the lesions such as osteomyelitic changes or tuberculosis features. Sometimes, tissue biopsy /aspirate is taken for organism culture. Definitive treatment will be depend on the diagnosis and organisms.
Tumor involving the spine can be primary tumor or metastases, usually from prostate, breast or lungs. Patients usually complain of constitunal symptoms besides complaining of back pain. The constitunal symptoms include loss of appetite, loss of weight, intermittent fever. Further investigations such as x-rays, MRI, CT scan need to be done. MRI enable us to see the features of the lesions. CT scan usually done to look for primary source or other lesions in other part of the body and for staging of the disease. Diagnosis is confirmed by tissue biopsy. Definitive treatment will depend on the diagnosis.
When to consult a doctor
Common mechanical spinal disorders usually is not serious and have no specific treatment. General measures such as pain killer, rest, exercise usually enough to relieve the symptoms. However, in some cases, back pain is caused by serious disease, in which patient need to seek medical attention to get proper treatment. Patients should consult a doctor if there is presence of any of these warning signs:
What a doctor may do
Because low back pain is often caused by several problems, diagnosing a single cause may not be possible. Doctor may only be able to tell that the cause is a mechanical and not serious. Therefore the doctor 's important aim is to identify any serious disorder.
1)The doctor usually would want to differentiate between mechanical and nonmechanical causes of the back pain. Non-mechanical causes usually more serious than mechanical one, such as infection and tumor, which need further investigations and proper treatment. Patient with mechanical disorders may have history of trauma that involving the back, or have history lifting heavy objects / doing heavy works. Non mechanical causes is suggested when patients also presented with symptoms such as fever, loss of weight, loss of appetite, besides back pain
2)The doctor would want to detect presence of spinal root/cord compression which may need urgent intervention. Spinal root/cord compression may cause patient to have numbness/weakness of one/both legs, difficulty in bowel/bladder control, or difficulty in emptying the bladder. The doctor may want to proceed with MRI to confirm the condition if those signs and symptoms present.
3)The doctor would want to rule out extraspinal causes that can be more serious compared to spinal causes.
Conservative management
Activity modification includes avoiding activities that cause stress on the spine such as lifting heavy objects, bending, and bad posture. Bed rest should no t be longer than 1/2 days as prologed bed rest may cause stiffness and worsen the back pain.
Pain killers and muscle relaxant might be needed initially to relieve the pain.
Application of cold and heat might be helpful as well. Cold is usually preferred to heat for the first few days of injury.
Massages, acupuncture maight be helpful for muscle spasm, strain or sprain.
After the pain subsided, light activities may help with healing and recovery. Specific exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back is encouraged to prevent chronic or recurring low back pain.
Surgical intervention
Discectomy or laminectomy might be necessary if there is severe pain / numbness / weakness / loss of bladder and bowel control, indicating presence of spinal root/cord compression. Discectomy is surgical removal of the disc while laminectomy is surgical removal of part of vertebrae.
Spinal fusion , in which few vertebra are fused together in a surgical procedure, is usually done for or to prevent spinal instability.
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Degenerative disc disease
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